Embrace – Week 7
Steven Brumbeloe   -  

Embrace – Week 7


Matthew 22:37-40 | Matthew 6:33 | Romans 12:1-2


1.What are some barriers (false gardens) that keep people from being in Christian community? (We encourage you to be vulnerable and share a personal struggle).

2. Seeking the Kingdom of God is most successful in community. Describes some ways in which seeking the Kingdom of God together encourages toward a life of holiness (Romans 12:1-2).

3. How did God speak to you through the message today? What is one truth you can apply to your life this week?

PRAYER GUIDE: Growth happens best in community. Pray for people within your sphere of influence that need to be in relationship with God and others. What keeps you from being in deeper communion (intimacy) with Christ and others and how can this community help you pray for that need?

TAKE HOME: Around your family table, with friends or family, identify some people in your lives that need community and that you desire to be in community with. Make plans to invite them to be a part of your Embrace Home Church or band.