Embrace – Week 6
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Embrace – Week 6

Spend some time going through these questions by yourself or with a friend!


Matthew 22:27-29 | Luke 10:41-42


1. What typically causes busyness in your life? What are some ways we can work on this area of our lives?

2. How would you define simplicity? Why is simplicity so important for our lives?

3. How did God speak to you through the message today? What is one truth you can apply to your life this week?

PRAYER GUIDE: Sitting at the feet of Jesus requires intentionality. Share with your home church or group some practices that have helped you in your devotional time with Christ. Then take some time to share about how people can pray specifically for your walk with Christ.

TAKE HOME: Write down your essential priorities. What are some things you need To say “no” to so that you can keep these priorities? Tips for Families: Set apart some time during the day that is tech-free. Begin keeping the sabbath in a more intentional way. Eat one meal a day at the table together. Make it a priority for your family to worship together each week. Set aside time everyday to sit at the feet of Jesus.